Monday, October 27, 2014

First Blog Post

I finally started a blog, and you (my students) get to start one with me.  I have always enjoyed journaling with paper and pencil, but I've never shared my journals with the world.  For now, you will NOT post your blogs for the world to read; you will only share them with me.  One thing I like about this site is that you can work on a draft and then decide if and when to post it.  This will give everyone a chance to experience what a blog is like before publishing it.

It is so important to learn to write well, and that means writing daily.  To do anything well takes practice.  So it is important to write frequently.  You will begin blogging about something you are currently reading.  The specific guidelines will be emailed to you.  This will give you an opportunity to share your thoughts about a book, what you liked or disliked about it, and your recommendations for others.

In addition to writing about reading, you can write about anything they wish.  Blogging is a great way to relieve stress and catalog ideas, too.  Don't fret over what to write--just write.  Any time an idea comes to mind, just type it.  Avoid being critical of yourself.  Let the thoughts flow onto the screen.  As you journal each day, you will become more comfortable with it.  Then you can try to organize your thoughts.  Develop better sentence structure.  Improve your vocabulary by trying to think of better words to explain your ideas.  Just remember to get in the habit of proofreading your writing before you post it.

Your blog can follow you through high school and beyond.  Later, you may want to share it with prospective colleges or employers.  For now, you will only be sharing it with me.